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HomeInvasive Aquatic Plants

The Risks of Invasive Aquatic Plants

Maine lakes are increasingly vulnerable to invasive aquatic plants (IAP). As these plants are not native, they tend to overtake the local environment and squeeze out healthy native species.

The impacts of an IAP infestation can be devastating. Dense mats of variable watermilfoil impair boating, fishing and swimming. Reduced lake water quality is another concern along with the decline of shorefront property values. (

Recently in 2022, an invasive infestation was discovered on Alamoosook Lake, just 13 miles from Branch Lake. Prior to this discovery, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection listed, Branch Lake as having "HIGH" vulnerability for invasive aquatic species. With the discovery of a nearby lake infestation, Branch Lake has one of the highest risk score in the state according to Maine DEP’s model (which has been very accurate in the past in predicting where the next infestation is) Please, if you have friends who visit and bring a boat, make sure the boat is inspected at the state boat ramp before putting it in the water.

Our library of IAP resources can be found here.